Thursday, April 28, 2011

A "Dud" of money thats coming your way.

These few days, PAP rebuff that the high GST is off-set by the Government payout from GST-Rebates and that the PAP shares the fruit of growth through the Growth Bonus. Every statement from the PAP big guns seemed to make sense and that in normal circumstances, the common man would really find it hard to deny the argument.


The problem is that, this year is no longer the first year Singaporeans receive "money" from the Government; either through GST rebate or whatever nonsense they call it.

Unfortunately, it did not change the fact that ppl are still unhappy with PAP; i'm sorry, correction: ppl are increasingly unhappy with the PAP. Why is this so? Why are the people so pissed off with the PAP if the policies of rebates and "counter-measures" are on paper working perfectly fine.

"Its no longer a secret that PAP frequently hand you a carrot but extort you to return that carrot with compounding interest through other means."

The popular unhappiness with PAP is a very clear indication that the payout DID NOT do its job, it DID NOT elevate people from the difficulties they faced, it DID NOT make the people's life happier... Its a CLEAR INDICATION that there are a lot more other issues that's to be address.

"The popular unhappiness with PAP is a very clear indication that the payout DID NOT do its job"

Its no longer a secret that PAP frequently hand you a carrot but extort you to return that carrot with compounding interest through other means.

Problems compounded year on year. Why there isnt so many issues in the past and why there is this time round. Apparently something is not right.

Lets put things into perspective: For a bottom 10% uncle whom is already too weak and too old to earn much money, the GST rebates and Growth Dividends/Bonus are a welcomed relieve to the hard life.

But this very uncle will pay back all these payouts very quickly to the PAP government, thru the increasing cost of healthcare (this uncle probably rather die than going thru a much needed operation which he cannot afford to pay for), thru the GST and thru the increasing cost of Transportation in Singapore.

So what problem did the payout solve? Is the payout solving the root of the problem?

"Problems compounded year on year. Why there isnt so many issues in the past and why there is this time round. Apparently something is not right."

So dear fellow Singaporeans, do think through the entire spectrum of issues and perspective; imagine what PAP would do in the very near future (something they do after every election victory) and cast your vote wisely.

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